Drawing on our extensive experience within product development for the building product and interior design sectors, we were engaged by Viridian Glass to complete a comprehensive review and visual communication strategy for their Interior & Decorative range. The naming strategy, derived from how each different type of glass interacts with light, led to a visual solution featuring the unique appearance of each product, followed by an extensive collateral suite including print, sampling and packaging pieces.

With quality-conscious and product-savvy specifiers top of mind, easy-file brochures provide quick-view specification details, while compact product kits house optimised product samples – their size determined in relation to their common proportion in built applications and their labels removable, allowing specifiers greater flexibility during material palette preparation and presentation and a therefore a greater likelihood of specification.

Viridian Glass Australia
Commercial & Residential Building Products

Product Development
Range Review, Coordination & Naming
Colour Consultancy
Visual Strategy
Print & Packaging Design 

Adams Print Print Production, Foliolio Photography

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